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[홈레코딩 필독서]"모두의 홈레코딩"구매링크


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acoustics:ambience [2024/03/14] 정승환acoustics:ambience [2024/04/07] (현재) – [Ambience] 정승환
줄 10: 줄 10:
 Wherever you go, there are characteristic sounds of that place. For example, on a road, you may hear the sounds of passing cars and the rustling of the wind. In a forest, you may hear the sounds of trees swaying and the chirping of crickets. Inside an office building, there could be the sounds of computers running, keyboards being typed on, and people talking. These elements are referred to as environmental sounds or ambience audio. Wherever you go, there are characteristic sounds of that place. For example, on a road, you may hear the sounds of passing cars and the rustling of the wind. In a forest, you may hear the sounds of trees swaying and the chirping of crickets. Inside an office building, there could be the sounds of computers running, keyboards being typed on, and people talking. These elements are referred to as environmental sounds or ambience audio.

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acoustics/ambience.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2024/04/07 저자 정승환